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Luna's Piano Moving - Almacenamiento de piano

All pianos are stored properly, tripple padded and maintained in a climate controlled environtment.

En Luna's Piano Moving & Storage, sabemos cuánto valora su piano. Para la mayoría, un piano puede ser parte de la familia. Solo almacenamos pianos en unidades de clima controlado. Envolvemos completamente su piano en mantas de mudanza de alta calidad. Podemos proporcionar un servicio inmediato para esas situaciones inesperadas de última hora o puede programar con anticipación. Luna's Piano Moving & Storage ofrece tarifas asequibles. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros y estaremos encantados de responder cualquier pregunta sobre el almacenamiento del piano.

Luna's Piano Storage
Moving a baby grand piano on an all terrain dolly
Luna's Piano Moving - Moving a square grand piano
Luna's Piano Movers- All terrain piano mover

Si necesita guardar su piano durante unos días o algunos años, asegúrese de contratar una empresa de mudanzas "solo para piano". Hay muchos "motores" que mueven artículos del hogar y también moverán pianos si es necesario. Sin embargo, existe un alto riesgo de dañar su piano si utilizan equipos para mover muebles para mover su piano.

Si está remodelando o reparando su casa, no se arriesgue a dañar su piano. Los Piano Movers de Luna pueden mover profesionalmente su piano y también almacenar su piano en nuestro almacenamiento de piano con clima controlado.

Baby Grand Piano
How to properly pad a grand piano
Luna's Piano Movers- All terrain piano moving

Piano Damage (due to improper storing)

   Pianos are delicate instruments that require special care and attention to maintain their quality and longevity. One crucial aspect of piano care is ensuring that they are stored in a climate-controlled environment.


   Unfortunately, many people don't realize the damaging effects of storing pianos in non-climate-controlled environments until it's too late.


   The images below serve as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of storing a piano in an unsuitable location. In the first image, we see a piano that has been left in a damp and humid area. The moisture in the air has caused the wood to swell and warp, resulting in damage to the soundboard and the keys. The piano will require extensive repairs, and in some cases, the damage may be irreparable.

In the second image, we see a piano that has been stored in a dry and dusty environment. The lack of humidity has caused the wood to dry out, leading to cracks and splits. Dust and debris have accumulated on the keys and inside the piano, potentially causing damage to the strings and other components.


   These images demonstrate that storing a piano in a non-climate-controlled environment can have disastrous consequences. To avoid damage to your piano, it is essential to store it in an area with stable temperature and humidity levels. This will help to maintain the integrity of the wood, prevent warping, and protect the delicate components of the instrument.

   If you are unsure of how to properly store your piano, consult with a professional piano mover or technician. They can advise you on the best practices for storing your piano and help ensure that it remains in top condition for years to come. Remember, proper care and maintenance are key to preserving the quality and value of your piano.

Luna's Piano Moving & Storage - Wood damage due to cliate conditions - Los Angeles Piano Sotrage - Piano Storage
Luna's Piano Moving & Storage - Piano damage due to non climate controlled storage units
Luna's Piano Moving & Storage - Water damage due to improper piano storage
Luna's Piano Moving & Storage - Piano storage Rusting

"¿Cuánto cuesta guardar mi piano?"

El almacenamiento del piano es un proceso de 3 partes. Recogida, almacenamiento y devolución o liberación.

Costo de recogida: el precio de recogida dependerá del tipo de piano, el tamaño y si hay tramos de escaleras en comparación con el nivel del suelo o el acceso al ascensor.

Costo de almacenamiento: el precio para almacenar su piano se basa en el tamaño y la duración del almacenamiento. Por ejemplo, una espineta en posición vertical ocupa menos espacio que un piano de cola de concierto y, por lo tanto, su almacenamiento será más caro. Ofrecemos tarifas con descuento si paga por adelantado su almacenamiento a largo plazo. Para obtener más información, consulte las tarifas a continuación o llámenos para obtener una cotización exacta.

Devolución / Entrega: Dependiendo de la nueva dirección, el precio variará según la distancia, escaleras, etc. Si se devuelve a la ubicación original, el costo será menor que el costo de recogida.

Climate Controlled Piano Storage
Luna's Piano Movers - Vertical / Upright Piano Storage Cost and Rates
Organ - Luna's Piano Moving and Storage
Grand Piano - Luna's Piano Movers

¿Está guardando su piano en su propia unidad de almacenamiento / garaje?

La siguiente lista muestra lo que necesitará para almacenar correctamente su piano.

Montantes y órganos

Mantas para mudanza: $ 15 / mantas

Película elástica: (si va a haber polvo / escombros debido a las renovaciones de la casa): $ 5

Carro de 4 ruedas: $ 50

Correas de trinquete: $ 20 por 4

* Incluido en las tarifas de almacenamiento al almacenar con nosotros.

Moving an upright grand piano

Pianos de cola Grand y Square

Mantas para mudanza: $ 15 / manta

Película elástica: (si va a haber polvo / escombros debido a renovaciones en el hogar): $ 5

Tablero de piano: $ 200- $ 250 dependiendo del tamaño del tablero

Carro de 4 ruedas: $ 50

Correas de trinquete: $ 20 por 4

* Incluido en las tarifas de almacenamiento al almacenar con nosotros.

Moving a baby grand piano
Warehouse Location

  At Luna's Piano Moving, we understand that our customers entrust us with their most prized possessions, and we take that responsibility very seriously. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of care and security for every piano we transport, store, and maintain.


   One question that often comes up is why we do not list or give out the address to our warehouse. The answer is simple: security.

Our warehouse holds possession of hundreds of high-value pianos, some of which are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Naturally, this makes our warehouse a prime target for theft and vandalism. That's why we take every precaution to ensure the safety and security of the pianos in our care.


   We have installed state-of-the-art security systems in our warehouse, including surveillance cameras, alarms, and motion detectors, to protect our customers' valuable instruments.


   By not listing or giving out the address to our warehouse, we can keep the location private and avoid attracting unwanted attention. This also helps us maintain a secure environment for our customers' pianos.


   At Luna's Piano Moving, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest level of service and care. We understand that pianos are not just instruments, but works of art that hold great sentimental value. That's why we take every measure to ensure that they are safe and secure at all times.


   In conclusion, our decision not to list or give out the address to our warehouse is based on sound security practices. We want our customers to have peace of mind knowing that their pianos are in good hands and are being cared for in a secure and safe environment. Thank you for choosing Luna's Piano Moving, and we look forward to serving you in the future.

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